Friday, August 22, 2014

Famous Last Words - Week 2

I thought I had all the bugs ironed out as far as technology goes, but with the new kinds of assignments this week, I struggled a bit to make sure I had completed all assignments for Week 2.  Now that I have, hopefully things will run nice and smooth from here on out.

My best work from this week, in my opinion, is my adaptation of Ovid's Phaethon's Ride.  This story was so rich with details of Phoebus' (the Sun's) palace, describing the carvings in the great pillars (first you fluff the pillars) of silver and gold, and the zodiac signs engraved on the great doors.  This story goes onto further detail the way Phoebus' throne room appeared with all of the colors of his throne and Day, Month, Year, and Century standing to either side of him in addition to Spring, Summer, Winter, and Autumn and their attire.  It was a richly detailed story that painted a very inspiring image in my head.  As I said in my storytelling blog, there would have been NO WAY I could have done these details justice interpreting them in my own way.  So, I tried to imagine what I could substitute for the great chariot.  There could've been only one... The beautiful Lamborghini Aventador J seen below.  It's fierce and is a very powerful piece of machinery.  She's beautiful!!!  And the fact that she has so much "horsepower" under the hood was a kind of clever way to put a pun on the horse-drawn chariot.  It broke my heart to have to crash this beauty in my story, but it had to be done to bring home the lesson learned from Ovid's Metamorphoses: Phaethon's Ride.

I have said in previous posts that I am not the most creative person and writing creatively is difficult for me.  I have a vivid imagination, but have a difficult time articulating that into a well-written story.  My mind is more apt at writing scientific papers.  For those of you who read this post and read my Week 2 Storytelling of CEO Solomon's Fool-Hardy Son, I hope you enjoy.
Lamborghini Aventador J

** If you don't find this car sexy, something died inside you loooong ago!

Lamborghini Aventador.  Web Source:

1 comment:

  1. Good Afternoon Michele, I think it’s awesome that you have already got started on week two’s assignments. I’m about to get started on that myself. I also agree with you that your best work this week is Ovid's Phaethon's Ride. I couldn't think of a better substitute for the great chariot than a Lamborghini Aventador. I too think the aventador is a beautiful car.
