Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 1 - Famous Last Words

Well, I’ve been working ahead this week, so I have a jump-start on things before the semester actually begins.  The week didn’t start out too well.  I have never blogged before.  I’m pretty tech-savvy, but it took a lot of getting used to.  I kept creating new blogs instead of new posts on my class blog.  So, once Professor Gibbs got me on the right track, I had to go back and delete a few blogs and then recreate them as new posts.  Whew!  But, I got it done.  Now I’m into the rhythm of things.  I still have to look for things, like changing my labels and things of that nature.  But all-in-all, things are running much smoother now. 

Additionally, I felt a little lost navigating through all of the information provided for this course.  I’ve taken many classes online before, so it wasn’t an issue of not being familiar with technology.  Instead, it was more of getting oriented to where Professor Gibbs provides the information.  At first I felt like I needed to look for assignments throughout a plethora of web pages.  However, I have finally got it through my thick head that all I really need to do is click on the link for the week we are in (or whichever I need to work on) and then go through that list assignment by assignment.  This has helped me get a handle on things and I think I’ve got it figured out now.  I also decided that I need to make myself a list of things that need to be completed from the “Declarations” section on D2L.  Then, set about finding those assignments and instructions on our web pages, and subsequently check them off as I’ve done them.  I’m a very visual person – this helps me! 

I’m not much of a creative person.  My daughter is brilliant at writing her own stories and making cross-overs from several stories and combining them into her own compilation.  I, on the other hand, do not have a creative (writing) bone in my body.  So this is going to be the hardest part of this course for me; rewriting the stories that we read into my own words.  But, we’ll just see how it goes. 

Revolving Around the Writing Revolution.  Web Source: 

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this post as I to think am not much of a creative person. Coming from a big family and being a father myself my daughter always ask me to tell her stories and when I’m all out of luck, she goes into telling me all these stories and funny enough it’s not your usual Disney stories. It’s all hers and made up on the spot. One of the wonders of being a child their imagination is endless.
